Friday, October 4, 2013

New Large Scale Outlet Paintings

5 feet x 6 feet

5 feet x 6 feet

6 feet x 8 feet

Here's several paintings that are large scale for the Angry Outlets. It's about surveillance and privacy.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

"Guess What", New Angry Outlets Animation, Say What?

Here's another animation regarding the Angry Outlets called "Guess What". Enjoy :D

Also here's an image showing the evolution of the outlets since 
creating them in 2011. The Change is there. It's subtle but speaks volumes. 

Saturday, August 10, 2013

NEW Angry Outlets Animation - "A Dream of A Life"

Here's a new angry outlets animation called "A Dream of  A Life".
Look for more in the soon future. Can also be viewed at:

Monday, July 29, 2013

Concept Art for Animation

Concept Art for Angry Outlets Animations:

Angry Outlets Phones Covers, Bags, and Laptops covers Oh My!

You guessed it, here's a link to a bunch of items for the angry outlets. The idea would be that you have an angry outlet phone, laptop, stickers. You can buy them at:

Here's an example of a design for a Motorola Droid RAZR Phone Design:

Friday, July 19, 2013

Website and Three Animations

I also started a website several months ago called:

In it I have several animations with the two outlets and artwork.

I'm also posting these here for those too busy & lazy to click a button and for connivence reasons even fewer would understand. Enjoy.


An Outlets Blog


I'm not the biggest fan of internet blogs but due to the illusion of marketing and 
the concept of showing I exist and am making this, I've created a blog regarding the "hit" and miss
cartoon/art known as ANGRY OUTLETS. It's about two angry outlets who live in Boston, MA.
These two really do not enjoy being attached to a wall and also co-existing with one another. Below are the first of many 1 page jokes involving the pair, Billy and Dreg. Including the "YEAH WE CARE Public Service Announcement (PCA). 
The Window.

What to Do.
Yeah We Care.